Middleton Band Boosters consist of family volunteers and donors whose missions are to enhance and support the educational experience of Middleton High School band musicians. Proceeds from all of the fundraising events are used to assist and support the band program at Middleton High School, including student music camp scholarships, guest performances, and clinicians, accompaniment for solo and ensemble, instrument purchases & lessons, as well as costs associated with a child participating in these music programs. These booster organizations are under the Band & Orchestra Boosters Inc. 501 (c) (3) non-profit incorporated in the State of Wisconsin.
Board Members & Chairpersons
Co-President *
OPEN FOR 2024-2025 / OPEN FOR 2025-2026
Danielle B. / OPEN for 2025-2026
Social Media*
Events Lead - Open *
Fundraising Lead *
OPEN FOR 2024-2025 / OPEN FOR 2025 - 2026
PR / Advocacy*
OPEN FOR 2024-2025 / OPEN FOR 2025 - 2026
Fruit Sale Chair
Spring Fundraiser Chair
OPEN FOR 2024-2025 / OPEN FOR 2025 - 2026
Concert Program Ads Chair
Danielle B. / OPEN FOR 2025 - 2026
Marching Band Liaison
Alicia R. / OPEN FOR 2025 -2026
* Board Member
March 11, 2025
April 8, 2025
May 13, 2025
August 2025
Reasons to join the board
Help ensure a thriving program!
MHS Band booster boards are vital in supporting the MHS band program. Parent / Family volunteers can help ensure that the program continues to thrive and provide enriching co-curricular musical experiences for current & future students.
Support students!
Volunteers can actively support MHS students' musical journey. The board plays a crucial role in providing resources, funding, and logistical support to the band program.
Building Community!
The MHS Band Boosters is comprised of band families with a common interest in supporting the students, teachers, and the MHS band program. By joining the board, volunteers will work with other parents of band students. This creates a sense of community and camaraderie, fostering friendships and social connections.
Influence & Decision Making
The board members can contribute their opinions on important decisions related to the band boosters. They can provide input on fundraising initiatives, budget allocations, event planning, and music education opportunities & experiences.
What we do
1 / Fundraising
The Middleton Band Boosters' fundraising programs provide crucial funding for instruments, instrument repairs, music, staff and specialist fees, trips, competition fees, enrichment opportunities, and so much more.
2 / Program Support
The Fundraising programs of the Middleton Band Boosters provide crucial funding for instruments, instrument repairs, music, staff & specialists fees, trips, competition fees, enrichment opportunities and so much more.
3 / Publicity & Communications
Provide publicity for ensemble events. .
4 / Communication Support
Communication Support – Provide multiple channels of communication among Booster Board, Parents, students, and WHS Staff. Website, Email Blast, parent meetings, social media, announcements.
5 / Booster Organization Management
Manage all aspects of the Booster organization, recruiting, finance, coordination, planning, etc.
6 / Fundraising Events
The Middleton Band Boosters' fundraising programs provide crucial funding for instruments, instrument repairs, music, staff and specialist fees, trips, competition fees, enrichment opportunities, and so much more.
7 / Community Events
The Middleton Band Boosters' fundraising programs provide crucial funding for instruments, instrument repairs, music, staff and specialist fees, trips, competition fees, enrichment opportunities, and so much more.