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Dear Jazz Band Families,

    Congratulations to all 170 students who auditioned for Jazz Band this year we heard many fine auditions and are always impressed with the caliber of our students. We are anxiously anticipating the start of the year for jazz bands and look forward to another great year of concerts and performances.  Jazz audition results and rehearsal schedules were posted outside the band room last Friday and will remain up through the week.  If a student should have any questions about their audition or potential conflicts with their assigned band's time slot please do not hesitate to reach out. All Jazz Bands will start next Monday October 15th to allow for the close of our marching band season.  We look forward to another fulfilled year of jazz.


Doug Brown


Hello everyone,

We are lucky to have Virginia Mayhew, New York-based jazz saxophonist, stopping at MHS on Friday for an hourlong masterclass during ASR.  She is in town working with tap dancer Katherine Kramer on a jazz set at the North Street Cabaret.

Check out this video of her on youtube, and sign in to the band room for ASR1 and ASR2 on Friday to hear her play and talk.  Note that the band room is closed otherwise for Friday ASR. Hope to see you there!

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Hello everyone,

Here are the details for our events this week:

Wednesday - Homecoming Parade 

  • Meet at 4:40 by the band room.  Parade steps off at 6:00.  Done by 6:20.

  • Dress: Casual.  Preferably either marching band or MHS wear.

  • No rain in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon, but stay tuned.

  • Freshmen: Come to the band room at 4:40.  Once everything is underway,  leave at 5:00 for freshman tailgate.  Return at 5:30 to be ready for the parade.

Friday - Pep Assembly

  • The whole school has a special bell schedule to include a pep assembly.

  • All assembly participants are excused 30 minutes early from 5th block. (9:00am)

  • Marching band reports to the band room at 9:05am to get ready. Have instument/flip folder/lyre.

Friday - Homecoming Football Game

  • As a special homecoming celebration, we will NOT be wearing uniforms this Friday.  All band members must wear the student section theme (red and white).

  • Report time is 6:00.  We will be marching pregame and one movement from the field show.

  • Dress for the weather.  In the event of rain we will still play from the stands.  (Woodwinds may  leave instruments inside as necessary.)

Sunday - Sauk Prairie Marching Invitational 

  • Timeline details were sent out earlier and are also available here.  Our performance slot was  moved up 15 minutes (to 4:15).

  • In the event of inclement weather, the competition may be moved to the school's gym (standstill).  For light rain we will likely perform outdoors as scheduled.

  • We will rehearse at school before changing and loading the buses.  Wear clothes for an outdoor  rehearsal and bring what you need for your uniform.  (Marching shoes & long black socks)

  • Bring a water bottle and money for concessions.

Looking Ahead - Next Week

  • Next week is the final week of the season!  This is the final push to the state championships.

  • Tuesday, 10/9 -- ASR rehearsal

  • Friday, 10/12 -- Advisory/Block3/Block4 rehearsal.

  • Saturday, 10/13 -- WSMA State!  Student timeline TBA (probably report time around noon).  Spectator information available here.  Know that parking can be a 10-minute walk.

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