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Hello, Marching Band students and families,

Hopefully, everyone is having a great first week back! Please see below for some information regarding upcoming events.

First Home Football Game 9/8/23

Call Time: 5:20pm

You will need to change into uniform, have pep band music in flip folders, etc. If you have questions, check in with a section leader or leadership!

This performance will be a post game show!

Senior Recognition Night

This night for our seniors will be on October 6th during halftime, after the performance. More details to come!

Next Rehearsal 9/13 in ASR

Sign up in ASR for attendance (Rothacker), and meet on the field as soon as possible! Bring your instrument, drill/coordinate charts, music, water, etc. Anything you'd need for marching band. We have limited time during these rehearsals so please be prepared and on time.

Waukesha South Competition Schedule 9/23

12:45pm - Call time for equipment managers/colorguard/percussion

1:15pm - Call time for all students

2:00pm - Load buses

2:30pm - Departure from Middleton

4:00pm - Arrive at Waukesha South

4-6pm - Watch other band performances/eat a light dinner (bring some cash for concessions or pack a small lunch)

6:00pm - Head back to buses/trucks for final unload/prep

7:15pm - Warm Up

8:00pm - Performance

8:45pm - Awards

~9:00pm - Departure from Waukesha South

~10:30pm - Return to Middleton

Questions on State Marching Band 10/14

We are aware of multiple things happening on the morning of State, however there should be no direct conflicts. We perform late at night this year (around 9pm). We will be sending out a detailed schedule for the rest of that day very soon. -- Eric Rothacker


Stop by the high school between 6:00 and 7:00 for social hour and tours, with a short presentation at 7:00pm. Hope to see you tonight!


6:00 pm Social Hour & Tour of the Music Rooms

- Social hour

- Say Hello & Introduce yourselves to the teachers!

- Tour the music spaces

- Learn about Program Book Sponsorship

- Sign up to Volunteer

- Meet the Boosters Board

- Ask any questions you may have

7:00 pm Presentation in the P.A.C.

- Brief preview of programming

- Middleton Band Boosters introduction

- New Orleans trip presentation


Hello MHS band families,

Please consider attending our welcome event next week Monday! (Open house starting at 6:00pm, with a brief presentation at 7:00pm.) It's a great chance to meet the teachers and other band parents, tour the facilities, hear about events planned for this year, and find out how you and your student can get involved. Hope to see you there!



Monday, August 28th

MHS Band & Orchestra Rooms

6:00 pm Social Hour & Tour of the Music Rooms

- Social hour

- Say Hello & Introduce yourselves to the teachers!

- Tour the music spaces

- Learn about Program Book Sponsorship

- Sign up to Volunteer

- Meet the Boosters Board

- Ask any questions you may have

7:00 pm Presentation in the P.A.C.

- Brief preview of programming

- Middleton Band Boosters introduction

- New Orleans trip presentation

Whether you are a new or returning MHS band student or family member, please attend to meet other families & learn about the exciting events planned for this year!

We're so excited to welcome you to the band community!

See you on Monday!

Mr. Brown

Mr. Rothacker

Mr. Ver Voort

Middleton Band Booster Board

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