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Hello all, please see below for a few important updates in the band program!

WSMA State Honors Auditions - Registration DUE TOMORROW

We strongly encourage any interested 9th-11th grade students to audition for the Wisconsin State Honors ensembles. Auditions are in February, but registration is due by tomorrow night. Late registrations are not accepted. Click here for all the info. The school number for reference is 10508 and is listed in the attached document.

Pep Bands

All students need to attend 3 out of the 5 listed dates (12/2, 12/9, 12/15, 2/2, 2/23) or talk to Mr. Rothacker for a pep band makeup time. All call times are 6:30 pm. Please bring the music you received in class, your flip folder (if you decided to use one or requested one before the event), and your instrument. There is no specific dress code.

Fruit Sale Volunteering

Fruit Sale delivery is quickly approaching! Parent and student volunteers are critical to the success of the delivery, and we need your help. Parents, you can sign up for a spot by following the link here or going to the website. Students, the volunteer sign-up for you is outside the music office. There are multiple slots at multiple times. If you could not help sell fruit, this would be a great way to help the program. It is deeply appreciated.

Puerto Rico Music and Rehearsals

If you are attending the Puerto Rico trip, your music is available for you. It will be handed out during your regular band classes, and if you do not receive it in the next few days, please reach out to your director.

Rehearsal Dates/Times

These rehearsals are required for performances. If you know there is a conflict, please let a director know now. There are very few rehearsals, and it is critical to the experience that we work to finalize the music process before departure.

Monday, March 6th ASR 1& 2

Thursday, March 9th ASR 1 & 2

Sunday, March 19th, 6-9pm

Additional Performance during Fine Arts Week

Solo and Ensemble Registration

S & E Registration will happen next week, please be on the lookout for a follow-up email regarding this process.


Hello Students and Families,

Pep band will be returning this winter! We will have five available dates students can attend and as a part of our class curriculum students will need to attend at least three. Should students have direct conflicts Pep band make ups will be available in ASRs.

Students have already received music and all the pertinent information, but as some students may need rides to school from their families we thought we would send the information home directly in an email. The dates are 12/2, 12/9, 12/15, 2/2, and 2/23. Call time for all dates are 6:30pm and depending on the game duration typically ends around 9pm.

If you would like additional information, please ask your student to show you the posted assignment in their google classroom.

Thanks so much and have a great break -- Eric Rothacker

Music Teacher & Band Director Middleton High School


Hello everyone,

Fruit Sale delivery is quickly approaching! Parent and student volunteers are critical to the success of the delivery and we need your help. Parents you can sign up for a spot by following the link here, or going to the website. Students, we will have a sign up sheet posted for you after break! Thanks so much! -- Eric Rothacker

Music Teacher & Band Director Middleton High School

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