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Hello MHS Jazz Students-

Please see the email below from Ms. Vanderbloemen at Glacier Creek Middle School.  She is looking for a few HS jazz students to cover parts this weekend at the Mt. Horeb jazz fest.  I'm happy to sign off on service learning hours and even a pep band makeup as needed.

Please email me or Mrs. Vanderbloemen directly if you can help out.


Mr. V


I am looking for high school subs to join us on Saturday, March 7th for the Jazz Fest at Mount Horeb Middle School.  Any number of volunteers would be great--I'm asking for up to 6 people to cover absent middle schoolers for this event.

Performance times are 10:00 and 11:20, so the time commitment would be from 9:30-noon.  They would be more than welcome to stay for (free) lunch from Subway and the afternoon events as well (listening to the professional combo, workshops, etc.) but it's not necessary to stay.  I will need a lunch count ASAP but I'm happy to buy them all lunch :)

They would be welcome to ride the bus with us (leave GCMS at 8:30 a.m. and return at 2:15 p.m.) or meet us at MHMS at 9:30.

Rehearsal for Jazz Club will be Thursday after school 3:45-4:45 at GCMS band room, if anyone could make it.  If people can't make it to the rehearsal, they could still play at the gig.

Alto Sax 1  Alto Sax 2  Tenor Sax 2

Trombone 1  (optional 2nd/3rd trombone spot as well)  Piano   Drum Set/Auxiliary    It would be great if one of the sax players could also play bass (piano keyboard) on one song.


1. Solo & Ensemble Wrap Up A huge THANK YOU to all the students and parents involved in this year's MCPASD solo/ensemble festival, and congratulations to all student participants!  With 17 sites and over 700 performances, it's an enormous undertaking. 2. State Solo & Ensemble Registration If you received a 1* rating at the district festival, your performance qualified for the WSMA state festival on April 25th.  If you would like to perform at State, please fill out the online registration form no later than March 12th. 3. Pep Band Wrap Up Thanks to all for a successful pep band season.  There may be one or two postseason tournament games left, but otherwise everything is done.  Still missing in IC?  Get your ASR makeups in by March 20th. 4. Minneapolis Trip Get excited for our cultural weekend in Minneapolis this month!  To view the final itinerary, please check your email for a message sent on March 3 at 11:37 am with the subject "Band Updates Week of 3/2" 5. Chamber Wind Ensemble Auditions Interested in auditioning for next year's Chamber Wind Ensemble class?  Audition materials are available in the band room, and auditions will take place the week of March 30th.  Students looking for a more challenging, honors-level experience should audition. 6. Randy Sabien Jazz violinist Randy Sabien is coming next week to work with the orchestra classes and jazz bands.  He will be working with the jazz bands during their rehearsals on Monday night 3/9 from 6:00-7:30.  All band students are invited! 7. Viet Cuong Composer Viet Cuong will be working with the 6th block concert band over Skype this Friday during class.  The concert band is preparing his composition Diamond Tide for their March 18th festival performance. 8. Concert Attendance Just a reminder to do your concert listening assignment.  There are several opportunities coming up at the high school, and many at the UW this time of year as well. 9.  Upcoming Dates 3/11 -- Eine Kleine Kindermusik, blocks 1 and 2 (full orchestra students) 3/12 -- Full Orchestra Concert, 7:30pm (full orchestra students) 3/13 -- Minneapolis Cultural Weekend (students who signed up) 3/18 -- Concert Band Large Group Festival, Hamel Music Center (all band students).  More information forthcoming. 3/23 -- Spring Break! 3/30 -- Chamber Wind Auditions 4/4 -- Annual BOPA Spring Supper, evening (all band and orchestra students) --  Michael Ver Voort Music Teacher & Director of Bands Middleton High School (608) 829-9680


Dear Parents of Band and Orchestra students, 

The next “big thing” is soon upon the program and the parents. Yup, you guessed it,

Spring Supper Concert and Auction.

Date: Saturday, April 4.

Location: Middleton High School.

Concert:  that is the kids

Supper: tickets and volunteer opportunities... information to follow, soon.


This year we are soliciting donations and contributions from PARENTS/FAMILIES as well as from businesses in the community.

We are asking you to contribute.

  1. Donate items to specific baskets, as listed here, and found at the SignUpGenius.

  2. Donate money, so we can purchase items to fill each of these baskets.

List of Baskets to build, for the Auction 

SEEKING donations from parents of Band and Orchestra students.

Cash contributions should be of similar value.

The success of this final fundraiser depends upon ALL OF US working together, and giving.

Please donate an item, or group of items, NEW, with a value between $10 and $45. 

SignUpGenius link, for donations. 

If you prefer, contribute cash, so we can purchase items to fill these baskets.

BOPA website link for CASH contributions.

  • Dog Lovers

  • Cat Lovers

  • Father’s Day

  • Mother’s Day

  • Off to College

  • Bartender

  • Cook

  • Gardener

  • Sewing, knitting, crocheting

  • Yoga

  • Running

  • Golf

  • Beer Lover

  • Wine Lover

  • MiniBar Basket

  • Movie Night at home

  • Backyard fun

  • Going to the Pool

  • Summer fun/ Outdoor Games

  • Day on the boat

  • UW Madison swag

Please: DEADLINE is Sunday, March 22, 2020.

Items will be gathered at The Mackey, 1551 Parmenter Street.

THANK YOU, in advance, for your participation in the 2020 Spring Concert Supper and Auction.


The Auction Committee of the Spring Supper Committee of Middleton Band and Orchestra.

Please direct questions to Kim Mackey, Chair.

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