Hello band parents and students,
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope everyone is enjoying the time off from school. We have a very busy band week ahead of us, so read on for all the details:
1. Fruit Delivery Day Information
Thanks to everyone who sold fruit for this year's annual fruit sale. Delivery day is Saturday, 12/7. Please see the fruit sale email for more info. A few important notes:
- Parents, please sign up here to help with delivery day.
- Students, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the band room.
- Pick up the fruit you sold between 8:30 and 11:30am on Saturday. Have one check (to 'MHS BOPA') ready for the grand total of all your orders.
A huge thank you again to everyone who either sold or is volunteering next week. It takes our entire band/orchestra community to run this great fundraiser and keep our programs running another year.
2. Winter Concerts!
Our culminating winter band concerts are next week! See you Tuesday and Thursday for some great performances. Both concerts start at 7:30 in the MHS Performing Arts Center.
Block 1 (Chamber Winds) -- Thursday, December 5th. Report 6:50. Wear all black.
Block 3 (Wind Ensemble) -- Tuesday, December 3rd. Report 6:50. Wear all black.
Block 6 (Concert Band) -- Tuesday, December 3rd. Report 6:50. Wear all black.
Block 7 (Cardinal Band) -- Thursday, December 5th. Report 6:50. Wear "dress nice."
3. Concert Refreshments
Please sign up to bring treats or drinks for our post-concert receptions:
Tuesday Concert Refreshments
Thursday Concert Refreshments
4. Senior Poster Photo Shoot
Seniors, remember to report to the PAC during ASR this Tuesday for the senior poster photo shoot. Dress is concert black. Parents, more information about the Senior Legacy Posters will be available soon.
5. Pep Band
Students, don't forget to sign up for pep band! Details here. Our first pep band game is December 12th.
6. Jazz Cabaret
Get ready for Jazz Cabaret 2020! Held again at the Madison Marriott West, Friday, January 10, 2020, at 7 pm. Tickets go on sale Monday, December 2, 2019 on the BOPA website.
7. Concert Listening Assignment
Students, don't forget about your concert listening assignment. Once per semester, each student in band needs to attend a high school, college, or professional classical or jazz performance that they are not performing in, then turn in a five-sentence concert review attached to the concert program. There are many options, but here are a few easy ones coming up:
12/3 or 12/5: Whichever band concert you're not performing in (free)
12/7: Edgewood College holiday concert ($10)
12/12: MHS winter choir concert (free)
12/13, 12/14, 12/15: Madison Symphony Orchestra concerts ($15 student tickets)
Any performance at the UW-Madison school of music ( calendar)(free)
A few common questions: broadway musicals, rock/pop concerts, and middle school concerts don't count, but ballets, operas, and any other classical/jazz/world performances do.
Thanks for reading, everyone. Have a great weekend!
Michael Ver Voort
Music Teacher & Director of Bands
Middleton High School
(608) 829-9680
Hello band parents and students,
1. FRUIT ORDER FORMS DUE TODAY - Order forms for the fruit sale are due today, November 11th. If you forgot, you can turn it in tonight at jazz band or tomorrow morning. Tally night is Wednesday, so if forms are not in by the end of school tomorrow, you may not have any fruit for your customers!
Online orders will continue until this Thursday, November 14th, so you can still order last-minute fruit. On behalf of the students, thanks for your participation in this fundraiser!
2. Volunteer for Fruit Sale - We could still use a few parent volunteers for this Wednesday (Tally Night), and many volunteers for Saturday, December 7th (Delivery Day). Please sign up for a shift - it's a lot of fun and absolutely necessary to make this great fundraiser possible. These online sign-ups are only for parents; students will sign up at school next week.
3. Winter Band Concerts - Our first major concerts are just around the corner!
Block 1 (Chamber Winds) -- Thursday, December 5th. Report 6:50. Wear all black.
Block 3 (Wind Ensemble) -- Tuesday, December 3rd. Report 6:50. Wear all black.
Block 6 (Concert Band) -- Tuesday, December 3rd. Report 6:50. Wear all black.
Block 7 (Cardinal Band) -- Thursday, December 5th. Report 6:50. Wear "dress nice."
4. Volunteer for Jazz Cabaret - Our first major jazz event is coming up in January. Check out volunteer opportunities here.
5. Pep Band Season is here - It's time for pep band! Details are pretty much the same as last year: each student in band needs to attend four games during the year, including at least one before the end of first semester. Sign ups are in the band room and the available dates are listed below for your convenience. The commitment for each game is from 6:30pm until about 9:00pm; students receive service learning hours and band award points for participation. Can't make enough dates? Make-ups happen during ASR (2 halves ASR = 1 game); see Mr. V and Mr. R for details.
Thursday 12/12
Thursday 12/19
Tuesday, 1/7
-- End of Semester 1 --
Friday, 1/24
Friday, 1/31
Thursday, 2/6
Friday, 2/7
Friday, 2/14
Tuesday, 2/18
Thursday, 2/20
Friday, 2/21
Michael Ver Voort
Music Teacher & Director of Bands
Middleton High School
(608) 829-9680
Spring Supper is an important fundraising event for BOPA !! And Spring Supper is a great event for the kids !! There is an organizational meeting, soon. We are looking for a few good parents……. When: Wednesday, Nov 6th at 7-8 pm. Where: 1551 Parmenter St. (home of the Mackeys) Who: Anyone interested in helping create the 2020 Spring Supper and Auction Questions, RSVP, other…… Contact: Kim Mackey, Chair mhsbopaspringsupper@gmail.com Concert and Auction