Hello everyone,
1. Great Concerts! - Thanks to everyone who came and supported the bands at our winter concerts this week, and a huge congratulations to the students on their hard work.
2. WSMA DEADLINE TONIGHT - Tonight is the deadline to register for the WSMA state honor band/orchestra/jazz auditions in February. Our school number is 10508. Audition packets are available in the band room.
3. Fruit Sale Info -
Tomorrow is fruit delivery day! A few key reminders:
Don't forget to sign up to volunteer! We could still really use a half dozen more parents throughout the morning.
Students, we could really use another 15 or so people to sort fruit and assemble citrus medleys. Sign up in the band hallway, or just come in around 7:30 or 8:00 (or anytime that morning)!
Everyone, be sure to pick up your fruit between 8:30 and 11:30. If you sold more than $800, please wait until 10:00. Bring a single check to 'MHS BOPA.'
Don't forget to distribute your fruit to customers as soon as possible! Thanks again for selling fruit and for volunteering - your participation makes this great band program possible.
4. Jazz Cabaret -
Get ready for Jazz Cabaret 2019! This popular annual event at the Marriott West features our four jazz bands. More info and tickets are available here. Sign up to volunteer here. A few notes:
All guests need tickets to attend. Order online only by January 3rd
Student performers need a ticket only if they would like to have dinner at the venue.
Although fundraisers are great, this event is intended to be an upscale dinner performance, not a fundraiser. Ticketing only just covers meal/venue costs.
Financial assistance is available courtesy of BOPA. Please reach out to dbrown1@mcpasd.k12.wi.us
5. Pep Band - Starts next week! Our first game is 12/12; sign up in the band room.
Michael Ver Voort
Music Teacher & Director of Bands
Middleton High School
(608) 829-9680