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February 25, 2019 - Band Updates

Hello band parents and students,

Welcome back from your extended weekend.  Read on for some updates about the week.

1. Parent-Teacher Conferences:

We have another round of "invite-only" parent-teacher conferences this Wednesday, 2/27 from 4:00-7:00.  If you have something specific you would like to discuss with us, please contact the band teachers to set up a time.  As always, it would be especially important to check in if your sophomore or junior is considering collegiate music study.

Otherwise, we have "arena-style" parent-teacher conferences next week Tuesday 3/5 from 6:00-8:00.  Please stop by and say hello!

2. Spain Meeting Tomorrow: If you are coming to Spain with us over spring break, please make sure that at least one representative from your family attends the pre-departure meeting tomorrow at 7:00 in the band room.  It will run for approximately an hour; parents who are chaperoning the trip should plan to stay a few minutes late to discuss chaperone logistics. Please complete the health form attached to this email and bring it to the meeting tomorrow night if possible.  This form must be filled out even if you have already completed one earlier in the year.

Everyone must fill out the first page (permission form).  The second page is required only for those students taking medication while on the trip; a physician's signature is required only if they are taking prescription medications.

3. Wind Ensemble & Percussion Class Concert Thursday: Please join us this Thursday, February 28th, at the MHS PAC for a concert featuring the MHS Chamber Wind Ensemble and Percussion Class. This brief program will feature works by John Mackey and Ivan Trevino, along with music from the Star Wars soundtrack and the world premiere of "Constable," a piece for wind ensemble by MHS senior Ben Fagre.  Students, this is another great opportunity to fulfill your concert attendance requirement for the semester.

4. Bonus Pep Band: This Friday, March 1st, we will have a bonus pep band at the home boys basketball playoff game.  This will count for students who still need to fulfill their 2nd semester pep band requirement - although all students are encouraged to attend as they get in for free to what should be a fun game.  Report time is 6:30 as usual.

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