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February 6, 2019 - Important Solo & Ensemble Information

Hello band students and parents, Solo/Ensemble is this Saturday, February 9th! 1.  Parent Volunteers - Parents, if you have not signed up to volunteer as a room monitor, please consider helping out on Saturday.  We are still short by a number of slots.  Also sign up to bring an item for the judge's potluck.  Thank you!  Click here to sign up. 2. Student Volunteers - Students, watch for volunteer signups are available during class.  3. Schedule - The nearly-final version of the schedule is posted on the BOPA website.  At this point, only minor time switches are possible.  4. Other Details

  • Attire: students are encouraged to "dress nice" for their performance

  • Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your performance and warm up in the designated warm up rooms.

  • Concessions will be available in the cafeteria all day.

  • Judge's copies:  Class A solos must provide their own.  NUMBER ALL MEASURES.  Class B solos will be carried by accompanists during the day.  All ensembles will be distributed in class Thursday and Friday.

5. Transfers - If you are performing at Mt. Horeb or Waunakee, schedules will be available closer to the day of the event.

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