Hello band parents and students,
It is incredibly poor timing with Solo/Ensemble on Saturday, but I hope you are enjoying the day nonetheless.
1. Student Volunteers - The student volunteer sign up will be available in the hallway tomorrow. The main areas of need for students are setup (tomorrow from 4:00-6:30) and tear down (Saturday from 4:00-6:00), so please plan to help at those times if possible.
2. Instruments - Unfortunately, no students (or even staff) are supposed to be in the building today. If you left your instrument at school yesterday, you will not be able to retrieve it until tomorrow.
3. Chamber Ensembles - If your ensemble was supposed to receive your judge's copy during class today, one member should stop by the band room sometime tomorrow to pick it up. If you were counting on one last rehearsal during class today, we recommend setting up a lunch or advisory study hall rehearsal tomorrow with your group; teachers will be around for assistance.
4. Accompanists - For those who were supposed to rehearse with accompanists today, they will be available tomorrow on the following schedules:
Mr. Marty will be available after school until after 6:00 for run-throughs. Stop by the band room after school. Priority will be given to those who have not yet had a rehearsal with him.
Ms. Bengtson will be at school from 8:30-2:30 rehearsing with her A day students. B-day students who missed rehearsal today should talk to Mr. V before school to set up a time (during block 1, 2, or 3) for a run-through. Passes can be written if you will miss part of a class.
Mr. Nyderek will be available in the band room from 8:30 u. The students listed below will rehearse during band or lunch/advisory as scheduled. All other students (Claire, Halle, Nik, Andrew, Alexis, Yale, Callie, Ellie) should try to find a time during 2nd, 3rd or 4th block that would be possible to rehearse. Mr. V can write passes if you need to miss a few minutes of class.
8:30 Lucas Miller
8:45 Holly Fullerton
9:05 Griffin Yunker
9:25 Aaron Stettner
9:45 Taylor Nordeng
11:30 Tyler Huff
11:50 Jack Ohly
12:10 Kyra Ginsberg
12:30 Philip Mackey
1:00 Cole Hazlett