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January 27, 2020 - New Website Info

4. Spring Supper planning has started. If you are interested in helping, please contact Kim Mackey at

5. Mark your calendars! The WSMA District Solo & Ensemble Festival is Saturday, February 22 at MHS. Joining us will be Glacier Creek and Kromrey Middle Schools.

Students have already started the Solo & Ensemble unit in the classroom!

An accompanist is hired for every soloist--The pianists will rehearse with each soloist twice before the performance, typically during or after the school day. This is one of the major expenses that MHS BOPA raises money for, as well as the Solo & Ensemble “coaches” who are hired to help rehearse the small ensembles during regular class rehearsals.

We will be needing the able assistance of parents and students to make this event run smoothly, so be on the lookout for a volunteer sign up in the next few weeks.

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