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May 15, 2019 - MHS Band Updates

Hello everyone!  With the end of the year quickly approaching, please see below for important information about our end-of-year events. 1.  Jazz Tracs Friday - See the previous email for all the details (also here), but Wayne Bergeron comes tomorrow!  Don't forget to buy your tickets for the show.  We could also still use a couple of parent volunteers to check tickets at the door - please sign up here. 2.  Music Awards Ceremony - Please join us on Monday, May 20th for the annual Music Awards Ceremony, where we recognize students' achievements throughout the year.  Recognitions include solo/ensemble participation, summer camp scholarships, band varsity letters, and more.  Cake and punch will be served at 5:30, and the ceremony will start at 6:00.  Student are encouraged to wear nice casual attire.  Parents, we need a few volunteers to serve the punch and cake - please sign up here if you are able. 3.  Final Band Concert - The final band concert of the year will take place on Monday, May 20th at 7:30 PM after the awards ceremony.  Please also sign up here to bring a treat for the reception.  4. BOPA Newsletter - Be sure to check out the latest BOPA newsletter!  Thanks to BOPA Newsletter Chair Laura Guse for her hard work putting it together. 5. Reminder of Concert Attendance Opportunities - Students, don't forget that you need to attend at least one concert during the semester at which you are not performing.  (Then type five sentences about what you liked, and attach the concert program.)  ANY jazz or classical performance at the high school level or higher counts, but here are lots of easy opportunities right here at the PAC if you still need to get this done:

  • May 17, Jazz Tracs (if not playing)

  • May 20, upperclassman bands (if not playing)

  • May 23, choir

  • May 24, Jenna W. & Sophia B. Senior  Recital

  • May 25, percussion concert

  • May 29, orchestra

  • May 30, community orchestra

6. Memorial Day - A reminder that Memorial Day is May 27th.  Marching band students are expected to attend (students who are out of town should tell their section leader and have their parents email Mr. V).  Students not in marching band are also welcome to attend and will also receive the service learning hours for their time. --   Michael Ver Voort 

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