Hello band students,
I hope this email finds you as well as possible given the circumstances. Here are some updates as we begin to wrap up the year.
1. Buzz Listening Assignments -
Please make sure you are keeping up with the light listening assignments on Buzz. We are consciously trying to provide a meaningful but manageable workload for this class. There are a few students who have not yet turned in any assignments; please remember that these are not optional and will need to be completed. Questions? Ask Mr. Brown.
2. School Fight Song Assignment -
As a fun version of a playing assignment, we will be doing a quarantine video version of the school fight song. Check out Buzz for details. (The performance part is an assignment although you are not required to be featured in the video.)
Click here for the sheet music.
Click here for the play-along video.
3. Music Awards (for Seniors) -
Music Awards Night, like everything else, has been canceled due to COVID-19. This year, we will only be distributing awards for graduating seniors. Everyone else will catch up when we come back together next year. Stay tuned for a separate announcement about the senior awards usually given at the final concerts (Sousa, Armstrong, etc).
SENIORS, please fill out this google form by Monday 5/11 with your points from the year. We will tally your points and distribute awards later this month.
4. Senior Slideshow -
SENIORS, please email Mr. Brown <dbrown1@mcpasd.k12.wi.us> the following info:
Favorite Band Memory
Favorite Band Piece
Future Plans
Baby Picture
Current/Senior Picture
5. Rosters for Next Year -
For those returning, please check out the class rosters for next year. Next year's bands were created with the goals of achieving balanced instrumentation, providing leadership opportunities for students, and attaining educational outcomes. We are really excited about the bands next year and especially excited to get back to making music together.
6. Marching Band -
We know that there are a lot of questions about marching band next year. All we can say at this point is that we are still planning to have marching band if we are back to school as normal in the fall. Unfortunately, it does not look like we will have any firm information about the situation until summer - we're just going to cross our fingers and let you know when we know!
7. Zoom Office Hours Reminder -
MWF: 10:00am-11:00am
TR: 5:00pm-6:00pm
Michael Ver Voort
Music Teacher & Director of Bands
Middleton High School