Hello band parents and students,
Please see below for information from our fruit sale parent committee. The fruit sale is our big "selling things" fundraiser each year, and it is a very successful one. The money raised from this sale is critical to funding the exciting events, equipment, guest artists, scholarships, and co-curriculars that make our band and orchestra program so special. Please consider doing your part! Read below and check out the website at www.mhsfruitsale.com
Mike Ver Voort
Hello, Band and Orchestra Parents and Students.
The annual BOPA Fruit Sale is starting! Directors will be handing out sales packets this week. Our fundraisers help to pay for many things listed on the Info. Sheet in the packet.
The main goal - Sell at least 5 products. Donations in lieu of sales are also appreciated and can be written on your order form whether by you or others. Receipts can be provided for tax purposes. Contact MHSBOPAtreasurer@gmail.com to obtain a receipt.
Critical Fruit Sale Info:
We are selling fruit, sausage, cheese, and nut products again this year.
Order forms are due Monday, Nov. 11 (approx. 2.5 weeks to sell) AND you DO NOT turn in any money. Customers should direct payment to you as you sell.
Write your full name and a cell # on each order form. You can get more order forms from the directors.
Keep the bottom pink copy of the order form before turning it in, or take a photo of your forms.
All fruit must be picked up at MHS on Delivery Day, Saturday, Dec. 7, between 8:30 - 11:30 am.
On Delivery Day, you will write and bring ONE check for the grand total of all of your orders to "MHS BOPA."
No money should be turned in with order forms, please!
Parent Help is Needed for the Following Events:
The entirety of the BOPA Fruit Sale is really a "by parents, for students" fundraiser.
Tally Night (Nov. 13): Tally volunteers review Fruit Sale order forms and make sure they have been completed correctly and confirm totals. www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E45A9A822A3F58-2019.
Delivery Day (Dec. 7): On Sat. 12/7/19 parents and students gather at the MHS Student Center to help unload, sort and distribute an entire semi-truck full of fruit and other products. Students will sign up to volunteer at school later in Nov. There is a sign-up for parents, too. Please consider helping out. It's a lot of fun! Check out the short shifts available at www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E45A9A822A3F58-20191
Selling Suggestions:
Fruit nearly sells itself since most people buy it every week anyway. Our fruit has a reputation for exceptional quality. Also, lots of people are looking to buy gifts this time of year. Most products come in a box (except the cranberries, smokey snack sticks, and cheese spread.)
Email friends and family. Two PDFs are attached to make it easier for you.
Parents can take an order form to work or email their contacts.
Sell at community gatherings such as church, clubs or sports activities.
Go door-to-door in your neighborhood with a friend or visit your friends’ neighborhoods with them.
Ask current and former teachers.
Thank you to everyone for helping to make this year’s fundraiser successful. Information about the Fruit Sale can be found at www.mhsfruitsale.com
Questions? Contact the parent committee chair Krysia Braun (mhsbopafruitsale@gmail.com) or any of the teachers.
Thank you!
~Your 2019 Fruit Sale Committee
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